Thursday, July 28, 2016

A Half Year Break

Maybe i decided that i want to continue to show my shits, maybe i decided to share more than that.

But sometimes, Casey would be like: "you never write anymore" "you ignore your blog"
The truth is sometimes i just cringe at the things i buy and go OH WOW and I'm too embarrassed to share. Like maybe i am just a shopaholic but in a good way because i don't buy expensive things.
HAHAHA - finding excuses.

Then these days some stuffs are once again bothering me and i really would like to share it because if i tell somebody, could be a close friend or anything. I ACTUALLY felt super bad because its like I'M TALKING shit about someone behind his/her back. BUT really in fact i just needed to share it.
Its ok to judge me because who doesn't judge?

So instead of bitching to mutual friends, i bitch to non mutual friends which is good. SO they won't feel like they need to pick a side. I also bitch to Casey but you know a man doesn't constantly need to hear my bitching although he does not mind. (as long as he stands on my side)


So maybe starting tomorrow (if time permits) and I'm less grumpy.. i WILL want to share even more on this shitty friend i have and why are we still friends.
Till then i need to get ready to brush my teeth and embrace my braces tomorrow LOL.

Just realized its PAST 12, so yeah but i don't care. Tomorrow only happens when I'm awake to go work.


Bitchy grumpy girl.

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