Sunday, September 13, 2015

First Post

Okay i need to see how this goes. Firstly i started my little spot years ago and somehow i stopped every now and then due to alot of reasons. I decided that some stuffs are just too personal and i do not want to share it OR i was such a raging bitch back then and all i do is complain about my life, how i got some shit friends, my job, my boss (whose pretty shit) plus i don't work there anymore and yup life is good. Maybe i am a change person now... MAYBE NOT. I am still pretty bitchy oophs. So here it is, blog url says it all; you can view it yourself which is just right on top ^points^^^

But anyway i came up with this "shits i purchased today" its because my passion with buying things never ends wtf. I like to grab good buys, cheap buys, handmade items and many more. I believe that being fashionable doesn't have to be super branded and all. No offence to any people out there who only uses branded things. Good for you really! I like items that are unique and all and has the factor "CUTE", Personally i myself uses some branded things too so this is really not a post on slamming people who uses branded items only. Reason why using the word shit is because my boyfriend says i buy too much shits HAHAHA. True story.

So here it is, every time i buy something, i will share it over my blog. State down the price or where it was bought and all because sharing is caring and if i refused to share it... it simply means i'm selfish or you don't deserve to know. (ok maybe i am kidding about the not sharing part.)

AND of course, every now and then, i would share about other things too, maybe a little on travel, a little on food and a little bit of every little thing i can think out of my goldfish memory. Most of all to remind myself how much money i invested in all these shits i gotten. Do note that the word shit doesn't mean shit literally or whatever that is flowing through your thoughts. Shit is just a cooler term for my buys! I also believe that good things are meant to be shared around *cheers* So anyway i can't wait to share all my shits, for real.Also i am quite active on Carousell so if you ever want to look for cheap dresses and shits, please feel free to search for "popcornies" and support me !

I'm sure this is a very common sight happened among us, guilty as charge, even the boyfriend goes "you always got nothing to wear!?" "OMG?"

And yup that is me and to all you ladies who seems to be in angsty mood or stressed or anything, GO SHOPPING !!! YAY!!

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